He left no time to regret, kept his dick wet with his same old safe bet. Me and my head high and my tears dry, get on without my guy; You went back to what you knew so far removed from all that we went through. And I tread a troubled track, my odds are stacked. I'll go back to black. We only said goodbye with words, I died a hundred times, you go back to her and I go back to us. I love you much, it's not enough, you love blow and I love puff. We only said goodbye with words, I died a hundred times, you go back to her and I go back to black.
Estás muerto para mí, a partir de .... Ahora.
6 comentarios:
No sé como llegué acá, pero veo que te gusta John Lennon, y ya me empezaste a caer bien.
tu blog es precioso, me encanto.. seria un honor que le echaras un vistazo al mio que recientemente empece!
un besito y suerte
Me ha gustado mucho tu blog, así que te sigo:).Si quieres pásate por el mio ;)
Me encanta lo que has puesto, de verdad,
lovely blog!
me encantó ♥
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